We all carry joint responsibility for the environment. As such, we do not just think, but we act. With an active air intake cleaning system with integrated heat recovery, three company-owned combined heat & power plants, waste disposal according to type of the individual materials and many more measures, we make it clear how serious we are about our responsibility.
The following brochure summarizes all important information concerning our environmental policy. Among information with respect to our energy & environmental management as well as our environmental guidelines, it also provides tips for practical application.
In the spirit of Total Quality Management, our high-quality standard extends beyond the pure quality of parts and also covers all business processes. To ensure sustainable system and process quality, we utilise a management system certified in accordance with IATF 16949 that combines all quality requirements of the automotive industry. For the best results at all levels.
We are HDO – a feeling that we perceive as a decisive driving force of our success. We systematically invest ourselves, in the truest sense, for the satisfaction and health of our employees. To this end, we use an effective occupational safety management system (AMS, in short) following DIN EN ISO 45001.
Our company consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, our responsibility towards the environment is all the greater. In addition to the principle of always using energy efficiently and to not waste any resources, we utilise an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 that allows for company-wide transparency and precise control. It’s a good feeling to deal with our resources as carefully as possible.
Here, you can also find further information on our energy policy, summarized in the following brochure:
As the company with Europe’s largest electroplating plant, our operations are subject to the regulations of the German Federal Immission Protection Act (BImSchG – Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz) and the German Hazardous Incident Ordinance (12th BImSchV). We consider it our obligation to prevent any type of hazardous situation and not just from a purely legal perspective. In the instance that something does happen anyway, we already have a clear plan.
Our process-oriented integrated management system includes the most diverse of areas: quality, environment, occupational safety, energy, as well as safety. Each area by itself is highly complex and characterised by its very own statutory as well as substantive requirements. Here, you will find all corresponding certificates sorted by location:
HDO Druckguß- und Oberflächentechnik GmbH
HDO SK s.r.o.
HDO spol, s.r.o.